25730 S Dixie Hwy, Crete, IL 60417
25730 S Dixie Hwy, Crete, IL 60417


I want to address the church this morning often we as believers call revival a minister who comes as a guest speaker.This is not revival when we repent and humble ourselves before God and we forsake our wicked ways then revival comes .We get a true hunger and thirst for righteousness.We love those that seemingly are unlovable.We become closer to God then our flesh .We actually crucify our flesh and began to walk in the Spirit and refuse to be overwhelmed and overtaken by the lust and desires of the flesh. I long for revival and the saving of the lost . I will be preaching on this Sunday January 31st the reality of hell . The Lord Jesus spoke more about hell than anyone else in the Bible.He not only spoke about it but described it in great detail.The Lord tells us that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few and that we should pray to the Lord of the harvest to send us laborers. I pray for the pastors and those in ministry throughout the world that God will protect them and their families. I believe that persecution is only going to get worse in America.We know that the devil and those of the world will hate the people of God and if we live a righteous life we will be persecuted for righteous sake. I pray we draw closer to God and each other we will need to be in one mind and one accord . I believe it’s time to call ourselves Christians not by labels of denominations.We need to not only break those bearers down but also races since there is truly only one race and that is the human race.The world is a confusing place they cannot tell their right hand from their left .We are not of this world even though we live in it . I pray we awake unto righteousness and sin not let’s pray for revival.Love y’all and pray you join me in praying for revival.